dominic's wolf experiences
photo archive

Jan 06 - 29/01/06
Dec 05 - 11/12/05, 18/12/05
Nov 05 - 12/11/05 (Photo Day), 19/11/05, 26/11/05
Oct 05 - Alladale Experience, 23/10/05 (Seminar)
Sep 05 - 10/09/05, 11/09/05
Aug 05 - 06/08/05, 11/08/05
July 05 - 10-11/07/05 (Cotswold Show), 15-17/07/05 (Kent Show), 31/07/05
June 05 - 01-04/06/05 (Bath and West)
May 05 - 15/05/05, 21/05/05 (Walton on Hill), 29-30/05/05 (Southern Counties Game Fair)
Apr 05 - 11/04/05 (Seminar), 17/04/05 (BCA), 24/04/05
Mar 05 - 26/03/05, 20/03/05, 06 to 12/03/05 (Poland)
Feb 05 - 27/02/05, 19/02/05, 13/02/05, 06/02/05
Jan 05 - 30/01/05, 15/01/05, 08/01/05 (WildWood)
Dec 04 - 12/12/04
Nov 04 - 13/11/04, 21/11/04
Oct 04 - , 10/10/04, 17/10/04 (photo day), 24/10/04 (Seminar)
Sept 04 - 19/09/04 (Newbury), 26/09/04
Aug 04 - 01/08/04, 07/08/04 (Lammas), 15/08/04, Newbury Show
July 04 - 11/07/04, 14/07/04, 18/07/04 (Photo day), 23/07/04
June 04 - 03/06/04, 06/06/04, 20/06/04
May 04 - 03/05/04, 09/05/04, 16/05/04, 21/05/04, 30/05/04
April 04 - 04/04/04, 09/04/04, 11/04/04, 12/04/04, 17/04/04 (Monty Photo Day), 18/04/04
March 04 - 28/03/04 (Berkshire College) 30/03/04, 14/03/04, 29/02/04
Feb 04 - 07/02/04, 14/02/04
Jan 04 - 03/01/04, 10/01/04, 16/01/04, 24/01/04, 25/01/04, 27/01/04, 29/01/04 (SNOW)
Dec 03 - 07/12/03, 13/12/03, 31/12/03
Nov 03 - 02/11/03, 08/11/03, 22/11/03, 29/11/03
Oct 03 - 04/10/03, 11/10/03, 11/10/03, 26/10/03 (Cheam Seminar)
Sept 03 - 14/09/03,20/09/03 (Newbury), 21/09/03, 27/09/03

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